Floating window

The floating window is intended for:

  • Informing of overall download speed;
  • Informing of status and progress of active downloads;
  • Active downloads control;
  • Program control;
  • Adding new downloads.

The view of the floating window :

1. Informing of overall download speed.
The main part of the window is occupied by the indicator on which the plot of download speed is displayed.

2. Informing of status and progress of active downloads.
After download starts a bar with download progress information will appear in the bottom of the floating window. Also this bar will change its color depending on whether data is being transmitted or not. By hovering the mouse cursor over the bar you can get additional information about the download including file name, percent of completion, current download speed.

3. Active downloads control.
By clicking with the left mouse button on one of the bars in the bottom of the floating window you can open the download information window. By clicking with the right mouse button you can get control menu for this download.

4. Program control.
Double click on the download speed indicator will lead to opening the main program window. By clicking with the right mouse button you can get the program control menu.

By pressing the button you get the program control menu. If you press the button the brief list of downloads available for start/stop will appear on the screen. Here you can start or stop any download from this list.

5. Adding new downloads.
You can easily add a new download, by dragging a link or selected text from Intermet Explorer (or another program) onto the floating window.

Floating window settings

  • You can show or hide the floating window from the context menu or from the View menu;
  • You can show or hide download indicators;
  • You can set default window size;
  • You can adjust transparency of the floating window (works as in Windows 2000/XP)

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